Sharon Bywater-Reyes has started her new faculty position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado. Best of luck to Sharon in her new endeavors.
Casey Steadman succesfully defended her M.Sc. on the spatial and temporal variability of nitrogen and phosphorus in several Oregon Coast Range streams. Job well done, Casey. Big thanks to Alba Argerich (co-advisor, U. Missouri) and Sherri Johnson (USFS).
Our new paper, led by Dennis Hallema from USDA Forest Service, on the regional patterns of postwildfire streamflow response in the Western United States is now in press at Hydrological Processes.

Karla Jarecke, PhD candidate, received the Catherine G. Bacon Graduate Fellowship for 2017. The award recognizes her academic excellence and her accomplishments and contributions as a woman in forest ecology/silviculture.
Congratulations Karla! This is a well deserved honor.
Congratulations to Karla Jarecke, PhD candidate, on winning the 'Grand Prize' for her outstanding oral presentation at the 2017 Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium.
Our new paper (led by post-doc Sharon Bywater-Reyes) on the role of geology in the vulnerability or resilience of Oregon Coast Range catchments to forest management effects on suspended sediment is now in press at Journal of Hydrology.